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域名简介 Domain Introduction

错那湖(藏语:མཚོ་ནག,威利:mtsho nag)也作措那湖,位于中国西藏北部安多县境内,为怒江的源头湖,湖面海拔4650米,面积约400平方公里,是世界上海拔最高的淡水湖。“错那”在藏语中意为“黑湖”,是当地一座圣湖。青藏铁路经过错那湖东岸,最近处距湖岸只有几十米,是青藏铁路格尔木至拉萨段与铁路距离最近的湖泊。湖中水产丰富,湖泊沿岸水草丰富[错那湖(藏语:མཚོ་ནག,威利:mtsho nag)也作措那湖,位于中国西藏北部安多县境内,为怒江的源头湖,湖面海拔4650米,面积约400平方公里,是世界上海拔最高的淡水湖。“错那”在藏语中意为“黑湖”,是当地一座圣湖。青藏铁路经过错那湖东岸,最近处距湖岸只有几十米,是青藏铁路格尔木至拉萨段与铁路距离最近的湖泊。湖中水产丰富,湖泊沿岸水草丰富

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  1. cuō

    • 搓:用手在物体上来回摩擦。字面含义:摩擦。英语含义:rub, knead, twist with fingers
  2. cuó

    • 痤:痤疮 (粉刺)。字面含义:粉刺。英语含义:acne, pimple

    • 矬:矮小,短。字面含义:矮小。英语含义:矮矮矮 short,矮矮矮矮 dwarf,矮矮矮矮矮 low

  3. cuǒ

    • 脞:细碎,零碎;烦琐。字面含义:细碎,烦琐。英语含义:瑣 trivial,瑣瑣琐 trifling,瑣瑣琐琐瑣 detailed and trivial.

    • cuo (轻声,此为无声调的拼音,口语音较重,此处列出仅为完整性考虑,日常书面语使用较少,不常用汉字和含义将不详细展开)

  4. cuò

    • 错:错误,不正确; 交叉,错杂; 错过,失掉; 坏的, злобный (zlobnyy); 差,不好 worse。字面含义:错误,不正确。英语含义:wrong, incorrect, mistake, error,错錯錯 fault,错錯錯錯錯錯錯錯錯 miss,錯錯錯錯錯錯错错錯错錯 wrong, bad.

    • 措:措施,办法 measure, step; 安放,处理 arrange, manage. 字面含义:措施,安排。英语含义:measure, step, ব্যবস্থা arrangement, handle, deal with.

    • 锉:用锉刀磨; 锉刀 file (tool). 字面含义:锉刀,用锉刀磨。英语含义:file (tool), file down, rasp.

    • 厝:安放,放置,put, place; 房屋 house. 字面含义:放置,房屋。英语含义:put, place, arrange, house, dwelling.

    • 夎:不正, skew; 歪斜 crooked. 字面含义:不正,歪斜。英语含义:skew, crooked, aslant.

    • 棤:古同“縒”, warp (in weaving). 字面含义:织布机的经纱 (古义)。英语含义:warp (ancient meaning, same as "縒").

    • 庴:(含义非常用,在古籍中或有出现,现代汉语罕见)。 字面含义: (含义非常用)。英语含义:(meaning very rare).


    • 那:姓氏。字面含义:姓氏。英语含义:Na (family name).

    • ná (语气词,感叹词,此处为口语发音,书面语较少单独使用)

    • 吶/呐:吶喊 shout; 刚强 inner strength. 字面含义:呐喊。英语含义:shout, yell, shout encouragement, inner strength.

    • 鎿:金属元素“镎”的旧称, neptunium (Np). 字面含义:镎 (化学元素旧称)。英语含义:neptunium (Np).

    • 捺:按,压 press down with the finger or palm; 捺子 signature. 字面含义:按,压。英语含义:press down, restrain, signature.

    • 靹:〔靹鞨〕古族名,即“滑”。字面含义:古族名(靹鞨)。英语含义:ancient tribe name (Na Ge).

    • 拿:用手或借助其他工具抓取,grasp, hold, take; 逮捕,捉住 seize; 掌握,控制 grasp, control; 挟制 rely on. 字面含义:抓取,掌握。英语含义:take, hold, get, grasp, seize, capture, handle, control.
    • 镎/錏:金属元素,原子序数93,neptunium (Np). 字面含义:镎 (金属元素)。英语含义:neptunium (Np).
    • 哪:疑问代词,which?; 哪里 where?; 哪些 which ones?. 字面含义:哪,哪个。英语含义:which,哪哪 where,哪哪哪哪哪哪 which ones.
    • 那:指示代词,that; 那么 then; 用于感叹句,表示程度, how, so; 连接词,表示转折 but, then. 字面含义:那,那个。英语含义:that, that哪哪, then, in that case, so, how.

    • 纳/納:接纳,接受 accept; 缴纳 pay (taxes etc.); 享受 enjoy; 缝纫 sew. 字面含义:接纳,缴纳。英语含义:admit,收收 accept,收收 pay,收收收 enjoy,收收收收 sew.

    • 钠/鈉:金属元素 sodium (Na). 字面含义:钠 (金属元素)。英语含义:sodium (Na).

    • 衲:僧衲,僧衣 cassock; 补缀 mend. 字面含义:僧衣,补缀。英语含义:cassock,衲衲 mend,衲衲衲衲衲衲衲 patched clothes.

    • 呐/吶:象声词, tic-toc sound; 同“讷”,说话迟钝 hesitant in speech (archaic). (与 nā 吶/呐同字,此处音调和含义不同) 字面含义:象声词,说话迟钝。英语含义:tic-toc sound, hesitant in speech (archaic meaning of "讷").

    • 钠?:(“?”为生僻字,含义罕用,此处并列“钠?”主要用于古籍人名等地名,可理解为特定人名或地名的一部分,不展开字面意思和英语含义。) 字面含义: (古籍人名或地名用字,字面含义罕用)。英语含义:(used in ancient names of people or places, literal meaning rare).

    • 娜:袅娜 graceful, willowy. 字面含义:袅娜,姿态柔美。英语含义:graceful, willowy,娜娜娜娜娜娜娜 beautiful, delicate.

    • 讷/訥:说话迟钝 slow of speech, tongue-tied. 字面含义:说话迟钝。英语含义:hesitant in speech, slow of speech, reticent.

    • 吶吃:口吃 stutter, stammer. 字面含义:口吃。英语含义:stutter, stammer.

  1. nǎ(轻声)

    • 哪:(表示不确定,如 “哪个”,“哪样” ). 字面含义:表示不确定 (哪个,哪样). 英语含义:which (uncertain), whichever.


  1. 搓那:字面含义:搓揉那个,用手摩擦那个东西。英语含义:rub that, knead that thing with hands.

  2. 搓吶/搓呐:字面含义:搓揉着呐喊,一边摩擦一边喊叫。英语含义:rubbing while shouting, yelling while kneading.

  3. 搓鎿:字面含义:搓揉镎元素(不理解实际意义,可能指摩擦含有镎元素的材料)。英语含义:rubbing neptunium element (unclear practical meaning, possibly rubbing material containing neptunium).

  4. 搓捺:字面含义:搓揉按压,用摩擦和按压相结合的手法。英语含义:rubbing and pressing, combining rubbing and pressing techniques.

  5. 搓靹:字面含义:搓揉靹鞨(古族名,不理解实际意义,可能指古代的某种摩擦动作与该族群有关)。英语含义:rubbing Na Ge (ancient tribe name, unclear practical meaning, possibly referring to some ancient rubbing action related to this tribe).

  6. 搓拿:字面含义:搓揉并抓取,用摩擦的手法去抓取。英语含义:rubbing and taking, using rubbing techniques to grasp.

  7. 搓镎/搓錏:字面含义:搓揉镎元素 (与 搓鎿 同义)。英语含义:rubbing neptunium element (same as 搓鎿).

  8. 搓哪:字面含义:搓揉哪个,搓哪个东西 (询问要搓揉的具体对象)。英语含义:rub which, rub which thing (asking which specific object to rub).

  9. 搓那:字面含义:搓揉那个 (与 条目1 搓那 同字但含义侧重指示代词)。英语含义:rub that (same characters as item 1 搓那 but meaning emphasizes demonstrative pronoun).

  10. 搓纳/搓納:字面含义:搓揉接纳,用摩擦的手法去接纳某种事物 (引申意义模糊)。英语含义:rubbing and accepting, using rubbing techniques to accept something (extended and vague meaning).

  11. 搓钠/搓鈉:字面含义:搓揉钠元素 (不理解实际意义,可能指摩擦含有钠元素的物质)。英语含义:rubbing sodium element (unclear practical meaning, possibly rubbing material containing sodium).

  12. 搓衲:字面含义:搓揉僧衣,摩擦僧人的衣服。英语含义:rubbing cassock, rubbing clothes of a monk.

  13. 搓呐/搓吶:字面含义:搓揉象声词,或者搓揉着迟钝的说话 (意义不清晰)。英语含义:rubbing onomatopoeia, or rubbing and speaking hesitantly (meaning unclear).

  14. 搓钠?:字面含义:搓揉钠?(古籍人名或地名,意义不清晰)。英语含义:rubbing Sodium Bi (ancient name of person or place, unclear meaning).

  15. 搓娜:字面含义:搓揉娜娜 (叠字形容姿态柔美),或者摩擦柔美的女子。英语含义:rubbing Na Na (reduplicated word for graceful), or rubbing a graceful woman.

  16. 搓讷/搓訥:字面含义:搓揉说话迟钝的人,或者形容摩擦的动作迟缓笨拙。英语含义:rubbing a slow speaker, or describing rubbing motion as slow and clumsy.

  17. 搓吶吃:字面含义:搓揉口吃 (不合逻辑)。英语含义:rubbing stutter (illogical).

  18. 痤那:字面含义:痤疮那个,指那个部位的痤疮。英语含义:acne that, referring to acne on that location.

  19. 痤吶/痤呐:字面含义:痤疮呐喊 (不合逻辑,意义不明)。英语含义:acne shouting (illogical, unclear meaning).

  20. 痤鎿:字面含义:痤疮和镎 (不相关联,意义不明)。英语含义:acne and neptunium (unrelated, unclear meaning).

  21. 痤捺:字面含义:痤疮按压,挤压痤疮。英语含义:acne pressing, squeezing acne.

  22. 痤靹:字面含义:痤疮和靹鞨 (古族名,不相关联,意义不明)。英语含义:acne and Na Ge (ancient tribe name, unrelated, unclear meaning).

  23. 痤拿:字面含义:患有痤疮也要抓取/拿东西 (可以理解为生病也要劳作)。英语含义:grabbing/taking things even with acne (can be understood as working even when sick).

  24. 痤镎/痤錏:字面含义:痤疮与镎元素 (不相关联,意义不明)。英语含义:acne and neptunium element (unrelated, unclear meaning).

  25. 痤哪:字面含义:痤疮长在哪里,询问痤疮部位。英语含义:acne where, asking location of acne.

  26. 痤那:字面含义:痤疮那里,指痤疮的那个部位 (与 条目18 痤那 同字但含义侧重指示代词)。英语含义:acne there, referring to that location of acne (same characters as item 18 痤那 but meaning emphasizes demonstrative pronoun).

  27. 痤纳/痤納:字面含义:接纳痤疮,接受自己长痤疮的事实 (可能指心理上的接受)。英语含义:accepting acne, accepting the fact of having acne (possibly referring to psychological acceptance).

  28. 痤钠/痤鈉:字面含义:痤疮和钠元素 (不相关联,意义不明)。英语含义:acne and sodium element (unrelated, unclear meaning).

  29. 痤衲:字面含义:痤疮和僧衣 (不相关联,意义不明)。英语含义:acne and cassock (unrelated, unclear meaning).

  30. 痤呐/痤吶:字面含义:痤疮象声词,或者痤疮与迟钝说话 (意义不清晰)。英语含义:acne onomatopoeia, or acne and hesitant speech (meaning unclear).

  31. 痤钠?:字面含义:痤疮和钠? (古籍人名或地名,意义不清晰)。英语含义:acne and Sodium Bi (ancient name of person or place, unclear meaning).

  32. 痤娜:字面含义:痤疮和娜娜 (形容姿态柔美), 美丽的女子长痤疮 (反讽或遗憾)。英语含义:acne and Na Na (describing graceful posture), beautiful woman with acne (ironic or pity).

  33. 痤讷/痤訥:字面含义:痤疮和说话迟钝,长痤疮导致说话迟钝 (不合逻辑)。英语含义:acne and slow speech, acne causing slow speech (illogical).

  34. 痤吶吃:字面含义:痤疮和口吃 (不合逻辑)。英语含义:acne and stutter (illogical).

  35. 矬那:字面含义:矮小的那个,指矮的那个东西或人。英语含义:short that, referring to that short thing or person.

  36. 矬吶/矬呐:字面含义:矮小地呐喊,声音低沉微弱的喊叫。英语含义:shouting weakly, shouting in a low and weak voice because of shortness.

  37. 矬鎿:字面含义:矮小的镎 (不理解实际意义,可能指矮的镎元素容器或矮小的镎)。英语含义:short neptunium (unclear practical meaning, possibly referring to short neptunium container or short neptunium element).

  38. 矬捺:字面含义:矮小地按压,蹲下身子按压,或者动作幅度很小的按压。英语含义:pressing in a short stature, pressing down in a squatting posture, or pressing with small range of motion.

  39. 矬靹:字面含义:矮小的靹鞨 (古族名,不理解实际意义,可能指矮小的靹鞨族人)。英语含义:short Na Ge (ancient tribe name, unclear practical meaning, possibly referring to short Na Ge people).

  40. 矬拿:字面含义:矮小的人去拿,个子矮的人去拿取高处的东西,或者矮个子的人拿着某物。英语含义:short person taking, short person reaching for and taking things from high places, or short person holding something.

  41. 矬镎/矬錏:字面含义:矮小的镎 (与 矬鎿 同义)。英语含义:short neptunium (same as 矬鎿).

  42. 矬哪:字面含义:矮小的是哪个,询问哪个是矮小的,或者矮小的在哪里。英语含义:short which, asking which is short, or where is the short one.

  43. 矬那:字面含义:矮小的那个 (与 条目35 矬那 同字但含义侧重指示代词)。英语含义:short that (same characters as item 35 矬那 but meaning emphasizes demonstrative pronoun).

  44. 矬纳/矬納:字面含义:矮小地接纳 (不理解意义,可能指降低身份去接纳或委屈接受)。英语含义:accepting in a short stature (unclear meaning, possibly referring to humbly accepting or reluctantly accepting).

  45. 矬钠/矬鈉:字面含义:矮小的钠 (不理解实际意义,可能指矮的钠金属块)。英语含义:short sodium (unclear practical meaning, possibly referring to short sodium metal block).

  46. 矬衲:字面含义:矮小的僧衣 (不理解意义,可能指给矮个子僧人穿的僧衣)。英语含义:short cassock (unclear meaning, possibly referring to cassocks for short monks).

  47. 矬呐/矬吶:字面含义:矮小象声词,或矮小与迟钝说话 (意义不清晰)。英语含义:short onomatopoeia, or short stature and hesitant speech (meaning unclear).

  48. 矬钠?:字面含义:矮小的钠? (古籍人名或地名,意义不清晰)。英语含义:short Sodium Bi (ancient name of person or place, unclear meaning).

  49. 矬娜:字面含义:矮小的娜娜 (形容姿态柔美), 矮个子但姿态柔美的女子。英语含义:short Na Na (describing graceful posture), short but graceful woman.

  50. 矬讷/矬訥:字面含义:矮小而说话迟钝,形容人个子不高且反应迟缓。英语含义:short and slow in speech, describing a person as short in stature and slow in reaction.

  51. 矬吶吃:字面含义:矮小和口吃 (不合逻辑)。英语含义:short and stuttering (illogical).

  52. 脞那:字面含义:细碎的那个,琐碎的那个,指细小琐碎的物品或事物。英语含义:瑣瑣琐瑣琐 trivial that,瑣瑣瑣琐琐瑣琐 trivial that, referring to琐琐琐瑣瑣琐瑣 small and trivial items or matters.

  53. 脞吶/脞呐:字面含义:琐碎地呐喊,形容叫喊声细小而杂乱。英语含义:琐琐琐琐琐 shouting, describing shouting sound as faint and messy.

  54. 脞鎿:字面含义:琐碎的鎿 (不理解实际意义)。英语含义:琐琐琐琐瑣琐 trifling neptunium (unclear practical meaning).

  55. 脞捺:字面含义:琐碎地按压,指按压的动作细微而频繁。英语含义:瑣瑣琐瑣琐 pressing, referring to pressing motion as subtle and frequent.

  56. 脞靹:字面含义:琐碎的靹鞨 (古族名,不理解实际意义)。英语含义:琐琐琐琐瑣瑣 trivial Na Ge (ancient tribe name, unclear practical meaning).

  57. 脞拿:字面含义:琐碎地拿,处理零碎的事情,或抓取细小的东西。英语含义:琐琐琐琐琐 taking, dealing with trivial matters, or grabbing tiny things.

  58. 脞镎/脞錏:字面含义:琐碎的镎 (与 脞鎿 同义)。英语含义:琐琐琐琐瑣琐 trifling neptunium (same as 脞鎿).

  59. 脞哪:字面含义:琐碎的是哪个,询问哪个是细小的,或者哪里是琐碎之处。英语含义:琐琐琐琐瑣瑣 trivial which, asking which is trivial, or where are trivial matters.

  60. 脞那:字面含义:琐碎的那个 (与 条目52 脞那 同字但含义侧重指示代词)。英语含义:瑣瑣琐琐琐 trivial that (same characters as item 52 脞那 but meaning emphasizes demonstrative pronoun).

  61. 脞纳/脞納:字面含义:琐碎地接纳,勉强接受细枝末节,或者无奈接受琐事。英语含义:瑣瑣琐琐琐 accepting, reluctantly accepting details, or helplessly accepting trivial matters.

  62. 脞钠/脞鈉:字面含义:琐碎的钠 (不理解实际意义)。英语含义:瑣瑣琐琐瑣瑣 trifling sodium (unclear practical meaning).

  63. 脞衲:字面含义:琐碎的僧衣,指破旧零碎的僧衣,或指僧衣的细小部分。英语含义:瑣瑣琐琐瑣瑣 trifling cassock, referring to old and fragmented cassock, or referring to small parts of cassock.

  64. 脞呐/脞吶:字面含义:琐碎象声词,或琐碎与迟钝说话 (意义不清晰)。英语含义:瑣瑣琐琐瑣瑣 trifling onomatopoeia, or trifling and hesitant speech (meaning unclear).

  65. 脞钠?:字面含义:琐碎的钠? (古籍人名或地名,意义不清晰)。英语含义:瑣瑣琐琐瑣瑣 trifling Sodium Bi (ancient name of person or place, unclear meaning).

  66. 脞娜:字面含义:琐碎的娜娜 (形容姿态柔美),柔美中带着一丝琐碎 (不常见)。英语含义:瑣瑣琐琐瑣瑣 trifling Na Na (describing graceful posture), graceful but with a hint of琐琐琐琐琐琐 trifling (uncommon).

  67. 脞讷/脞訥:字面含义:琐碎而说话迟钝,形容人说话细枝末节过多,抓不住重点。英语含义:瑣瑣琐琐瑣瑣 trifling and hesitant in speech, describing someone speaking with too many trivial details, missing the point.

  68. 脞吶吃:字面含义:琐碎和口吃 (不合逻辑)。英语含义:瑣瑣琐琐瑣琐 trifling and stuttering (illogical).

  69. 错那:字面含义:错误的那个,指错误的事物或地点。英语含义:wrong that, referring to wrong thing or location.

  70. 错吶/错呐:字面含义:错误地呐喊,喊叫的内容是错误的,或者喊叫的时机地点不对。英语含义:wrongly shouting, content of shouting is wrong, or wrong timing or place for shouting.

  71. 错鎿:字面含义:错误的鎿 (不理解实际意义)。英语含义:wrong neptunium (unclear practical meaning).

  72. 错捺:字面含义:错误地按压,不正确的按压,按错位置或力度。英语含义:wrong pressing, incorrect pressing, pressing wrong location or with wrong force.

  73. 错靹:字面含义:错误的靹鞨 (古族名,不理解实际意义)。英语含义:wrong Na Ge (ancient tribe name, unclear practical meaning).

  74. 错拿:字面含义:错误地拿,拿错了,拿的方式不对,或拿取错误的东西。英语含义:wrong taking, taking incorrectly, taking in wrong way, or taking wrong thing.

  75. 错镎/错錏:字面含义:错误的镎 (与 错鎿 同义)。英语含义:wrong neptunium (same as 错鎿).

  76. 错哪:字面含义:错误的是哪个,询问哪个是错误的,或者错在哪里。英语含义:wrong which, asking which is wrong, or where is the mistake.

  77. 错那:字面含义:错误的那个 (与 条目69 错那 同字但含义侧重指示代词)。英语含义:wrong that (same characters as item 69 错那 but meaning emphasizes demonstrative pronoun).

  78. 错纳/错納:字面含义:错误地接纳,不应该接受的却接受了,或者接受错误的想法。英语含义:wrongly accepting, accepting what should not be accepted, or accepting wrong ideas.

  79. 错钠/错鈉:字面含义:错误的钠 (不理解实际意义)。英语含义:wrong sodium (unclear practical meaning).

  80. 错衲:字面含义:错误的僧衣,不符合规制的僧衣,或者穿错僧衣 (身份不对等)。英语含义:wrong cassock, cassock not conforming to regulations, or wearing wrong cassock (incorrect status).

  81. 错呐/错吶:字面含义:错误象声词,或错误与迟钝说话 (意义不清晰)。英语含义:wrong onomatopoeia, or wrong and hesitant speech (meaning unclear).

  82. 错钠?:字面含义:错误的钠? (古籍人名或地名,意义不清晰)。英语含义:wrong Sodium Bi (ancient name of person or place, unclear meaning).

  83. 错娜:字面含义:错误的娜娜 (形容姿态柔美), 错误的理解了女子柔美的姿态,或女子姿态在某种语境下是不合时宜的错误。英语含义:wrong Na Na (describing graceful posture), wrongly understanding graceful posture, or woman's posture is inappropriate and wrong in certain context.

  84. 错讷/错訥:字面含义:错误而说话迟钝,形容人说话错误百出,且反应迟缓。英语含义:wrong and hesitant in speech, describing someone speaking with many mistakes and slow in reaction.

  85. 错吶吃:字面含义:错误和口吃 (不合逻辑)。英语含义:wrong and stuttering (illogical).

  86. 措那:字面含义:措施那个,指针对那个情况采取的措施。英语含义:measure that, referring to measures taken for that situation.

  87. 措吶/措呐:字面含义:用措施来呐喊 (不常见),可能指通过行动发出呼吁。英语含义:using measures to shout (uncommon), possibly referring to issuing appeals through actions.

  88. 措鎿:字面含义:用措施处理鎿 (不理解实际意义)。英语含义:using measures to handle neptunium (unclear practical meaning).

  89. 措捺:字面含义:用措施来按压,采取措施进行压制,或按步骤有条理地进行操作。英语含义:using measures to press, taking measures to suppress, or operating step-by-step in an organized manner.

  90. 措靹:字面含义:用措施处理靹鞨 (古族名,不理解实际意义,可能指对该族群采取策略)。英语含义:using measures to handle Na Ge (ancient tribe name, unclear practical meaning, possibly referring to adopting strategies against this tribe).

  91. 措拿:字面含义:采取措施去拿,为了达到目的而采取行动,或计划周全地获取。英语含义:taking measures to take, taking action to achieve a goal, or acquiring in a planned and thorough way.

  92. 措镎/措錏:字面含义:用措施处理镎 (与 措鎿 同义)。英语含义:using measures to handle neptunium (same as 措鎿).

  93. 措哪:字面含义:采取什么措施,询问具体措施,或者采取哪些措施。英语含义:take what measures, asking for specific measures, or taking which measures.

  94. 措那:字面含义:采取那个措施 (与 条目86 措那 同字但含义侧重指示代词)。英语含义:taking that measure (same characters as item 86 措那 but meaning emphasizes demonstrative pronoun).

  95. 措纳/措納:字面含义:采取措施接纳,制定政策吸纳,或有计划有步骤地接收。英语含义:taking measures to accept, formulating policies to absorb, or systematically accepting.

  96. 措钠/措鈉:字面含义:用措施处理钠 (不理解实际意义,可能指安全操作钠金属的措施)。英语含义:using measures to handle sodium (unclear practical meaning, possibly referring to safety measures for handling sodium metal).

  97. 措衲:字面含义:用措施缝补僧衣,仔细修补僧人的衣服,或为僧人准备衣物。英语含义:using measures to mend cassock, carefully mending monk's clothes, or preparing clothes for monks.

  98. 措呐/措吶:字面含义:措施象声词,或措施与迟钝说话 (意义不清晰)。英语含义:measures onomatopoeia, or measures and hesitant speech (meaning unclear).

  99. 措钠?:字面含义:用措施处理钠? (古籍人名或地名,意义不清晰)。英语含义:using measures to handle Sodium Bi (ancient name of person or place, unclear meaning).

  100. 措娜:字面含义:用措施对待娜娜 (形容姿态柔美), 可能指有章法地对待美女,或对柔美的事物小心呵护。英语含义:using measures to treat Na Na (describing graceful posture), possibly referring to systematically treating beauties, or carefully cherishing graceful things.

  101. 措讷/措訥:字面含义:用措施纠正说话迟钝,通过训练改善口语表达能力,或者对说话迟钝的人给予帮助和引导。英语含义:using measures to correct hesitant speech, improving speaking ability through training, or helping and guiding those hesitant in speech.

  102. 措吶吃:字面含义:用措施治疗口吃 (医学或教育范畴)。英语含义:using measures to treat stutter (medical or educational context).

  103. 锉那:字面含义:用锉刀锉那个,用锉刀打磨那个物体。英语含义:filing that with file, filing that object with a file.

  104. 锉吶/锉呐:字面含义:锉刀的呐喊 (不合逻辑)。英语含义:file shouting (illogical).

  105. 锉鎿:字面含义:用锉刀锉鎿 (不理解实际意义)。英语含义:filing neptunium with file (unclear practical meaning).

  106. 锉捺:字面含义:用锉刀锉磨按压部位,或者一边锉磨一边按压。英语含义:filing and pressing pressing area, or filing while pressing.

  107. 锉靹:字面含义:用锉刀锉靹鞨 (古族名,不理解实际意义)。英语含义:filing Na Ge with file (ancient tribe name, unclear practical meaning).

  108. 锉拿:字面含义:用锉刀锉磨并拿取,锉平后再拿起来,或锉磨后据为己有。英语含义:filing and taking, filing flat and then picking up, or possessing after filing.

  109. 锉镎/锉錏:字面含义:用锉刀锉镎 (与 锉鎿 同义)。英语含义:filing neptunium with file (same as 锉鎿).

  110. 锉哪:字面含义:用锉刀锉哪个,询问要锉磨的具体物体,或者用哪种锉刀。英语含义:filing which with file, asking which object to file, or using which kind of file.

  111. 锉那:字面含义:用锉刀锉那个 (与 条目103 锉那 同字但含义侧重指示代词)。英语含义:filing that with file (same characters as item 103 锉那 but meaning emphasizes demonstrative pronoun).

  112. 锉纳/锉納:字面含义:锉刀接纳 (不理解意义,或指锉刀被收纳保管)。英语含义:file accepting (unclear meaning, or referring to file being collected and stored).

  113. 锉钠/锉鈉:字面含义:用锉刀锉钠 (不理解实际意义,可能指打磨钠金属)。英语含义:filing sodium with file (unclear practical meaning, possibly referring to filing sodium metal).

  114. 锉衲:字面含义:锉刀和僧衣 (不相关联,意义不明)。英语含义:file and cassock (unrelated, unclear meaning).

  115. 锉呐/锉吶:字面含义:锉刀象声词,或锉刀与迟钝说话 (意义不清晰)。英语含义:file onomatopoeia, or file and hesitant speech (meaning unclear).

  116. 锉钠?:字面含义:锉刀和钠? (古籍人名或地名,意义不清晰)。英语含义:file and Sodium Bi (ancient name of person or place, unclear meaning).

  117. 锉娜:字面含义:锉刀和娜娜 (形容姿态柔美), 用锉刀打磨柔美的曲线 (不合逻辑)。英语含义:file and Na Na (describing graceful posture), using a file to file graceful curves (illogical).

  118. 锉讷/锉訥:字面含义:锉刀与说话迟钝,锉刀使用起来笨拙迟缓,或者比喻说话如锉刀般生硬。英语含义:file and hesitant speech, file being clumsy and slow to use, or metaphorically speech as harsh as a file.

  119. 锉吶吃:字面含义:锉刀和口吃 (不合逻辑)。英语含义:file and stutter (illogical).

  120. 厝那:字面含义:放置在那儿,把东西放在那个位置。英语含义:put there, placing something at that location.

  121. 厝吶/厝呐:字面含义:放置房屋呐喊 (不合逻辑)。英语含义:placing house shouting (illogical).

  122. 厝鎿:字面含义:放置鎿 (不理解实际意义,可能指安置鎿元素相关物品)。英语含义:placing neptunium (unclear practical meaning, possibly referring to安置ing items related to neptunium element).

  123. 厝捺:字面含义:放置并按压,放好后再按压,或者按部就班地安置和压紧。英语含义:placing and pressing, putting down and then pressing, or arranging and pressing tightly step by step.

  124. 厝靹:字面含义:放置靹鞨 (古族名,不理解实际意义)。英语含义:placing Na Ge (ancient tribe name, unclear practical meaning).

  125. 厝拿:字面含义:放置后拿取,安放好了再拿起来,或者将东西放置到容易拿取的位置。英语含义:placing and then taking, putting down and then picking up, or placing things in a easily accessible location.

  126. 厝镎/厝錏:字面含义:放置镎 (与 厝鎿 同义)。英语含义:placing neptunium (same as 厝鎿).

  127. 厝哪:字面含义:放置在哪里,询问放置地点,或者放置哪些东西。英语含义:placing where, asking about placing location, or placing which things.

  128. 厝那:字面含义:放置在那 (与 条目120 厝那 同字但含义侧重指示代词)。英语含义:placing there (same characters as item 120 厝那 but meaning emphasizes demonstrative pronoun).

  129. 厝纳/厝納:字面含义:放置接纳,安置收容,或容纳和安置某物。英语含义:placing to accept,安置ing to receive and accommodate, or accommodating and安置ing something.

  130. 厝钠/厝鈉:字面含义:放置钠 (不理解实际意义,可能指安全存放钠金属)。英语含义:placing sodium (unclear practical meaning, possibly referring to safely storing sodium metal).

  131. 厝衲:字面含义:放置僧衣,安置僧人的衣服,或者存放僧衣的场所。英语含义:placing cassock,安置ing monk's clothes, or location for storing cassocks.

  132. 厝呐/厝吶:字面含义:放置象声词,或放置与迟钝说话 (意义不清晰)。英语含义:placing onomatopoeia, or placing and hesitant speech (meaning unclear).

  133. 厝钠?:字面含义:放置钠? (古籍人名或地名,意义不清晰)。英语含义:placing Sodium Bi (ancient name of person or place, unclear meaning).

  134. 厝娜:字面含义:放置娜娜 (形容姿态柔美), 安放柔美的装饰品,或为美女提供居所。英语含义:placing Na Na (describing graceful posture),安置ing graceful decorations, or providing residence for beautiful women.

  135. 厝讷/厝訥:字面含义:放置与说话迟钝的人一起, 与不善言辞者共处一室,或安置于安静少言的环境。英语含义:placing oneself with slow speaker, being in same room with reticent people, or安置ing oneself in a quiet and reticent environment.

  136. 厝吶吃:字面含义:放置和口吃的人在一起 (不常见组合,但字面可理解为安排与口吃的人同住)。英语含义:placing and stuttering people together (uncommon combination, but literally understandable as arranging to live with stutterers).

  137. 夎那:字面含义:歪斜的那个,指不正的那个东西或位置。英语含义:skew that, referring to that skew thing or location.

  138. 夎吶/夎呐:字面含义:歪斜地呐喊 (不合逻辑)。英语含义:skewly shouting (illogical).

  139. 夎鎿:字面含义:歪斜的鎿 (不理解实际意义)。英语含义:skew neptunium (unclear practical meaning).

  140. 夎捺:字面含义:歪斜地按压,倾斜着按压,或使之倾斜着压下去。英语含义:pressing skewly, pressing at an angle, or pressing to make it skew.

  141. 夎靹:字面含义:歪斜的靹鞨 (古族名,不理解实际意义)。英语含义:skew Na Ge (ancient tribe name, unclear practical meaning).

  142. 夎拿:字面含义:歪斜着拿,倾斜着抓取,或把东西拿歪了。英语含义:taking skewly, grasping at an angle, or taking things in a skew manner.

  143. 夎镎/夎錏:字面含义:歪斜的镎 (与 夎鎿 同义)。英语含义:skew neptunium (same as 夎鎿).

  144. 夎哪:字面含义:歪斜的是哪个,询问哪个是倾斜不正的,或者哪里是歪斜的。英语含义:skew which, asking which is skew, or where is the skewness.

  145. 夎那:字面含义:歪斜的那个 (与 条目137 夎那 同字但含义侧重指示代词)。英语含义:skew that (same characters as item 137 夎那 but meaning emphasizes demonstrative pronoun).

  146. 夎纳/夎納:字面含义:歪斜地接纳,不正地接受 (可能指接受不正当事物)。英语含义:accepting skewly, accepting improperly (possibly referring to accepting不正當 things).

  147. 夎钠/夎鈉:字面含义:歪斜的钠 (不理解实际意义,可能指歪斜放置的钠金属块)。英语含义:skew sodium (unclear practical meaning, possibly referring to sodium metal block placed skewly).

  148. 夎衲:字面含义:歪斜的僧衣,僧衣没有穿戴端正,或者僧衣裁剪不正。英语含义:skew cassock, cassock not worn properly, or cassock cut skewly.

  149. 夎呐/夎吶:字面含义:歪斜象声词,或歪斜与迟钝说话 (意义不清晰)。英语含义:skew onomatopoeia, or skew and hesitant speech (meaning unclear).

  150. 夎钠?:字面含义:歪斜的钠? (古籍人名或地名,意义不清晰)。英语含义:skew Sodium Bi (ancient name of person or place, unclear meaning).

  151. 夎娜:字面含义:歪斜的娜娜 (形容姿态柔美), 姿态柔美但有些倾斜不正 (矛盾的形容)。英语含义:skew Na Na (describing graceful posture), graceful posture but slightly skew (contradictory description).

  152. 夎讷/夎訥:字面含义:歪斜而说话迟钝, 形容人姿势不正,言语也不利索,或指歪理邪说,荒谬迟缓的言论。英语含义:skew and hesitant in speech, describing someone's posture as incorrect, speech also slow and clumsy, or referring to distorted and slow fallacy.

  153. 夎吶吃:字面含义:歪斜和口吃 (不合逻辑)。英语含义:skew and stuttering (illogical).

  154. 棤那:字面含义:经纱那个,指那根经纱。英语含义:warp that, referring to that warp yarn.

  155. 棤吶/棤呐:字面含义:经纱呐喊 (不合逻辑)。英语含义:warp shouting (illogical).

  156. 棤鎿:字面含义:经纱鎿 (不理解实际意义,可能指用经纱捆绑鎿金属)。英语含义:warp neptunium (unclear practical meaning, possibly referring to using warp to tie up neptunium metal).

  157. 棤捺:字面含义:用经纱来按压,或者用经纱缠绕并按压,捆绑按压。英语含义:pressing with warp, or wrapping and pressing with warp, tying and pressing.

  158. 棤靹:字面含义:经纱和靹鞨 (古族名,不理解实际意义,可能指用经纱制作靹鞨族的服饰)。英语含义:warp and Na Ge (ancient tribe name, unclear practical meaning, possibly referring to using warp to make Na Ge tribe's clothing).

  159. 棤拿:字面含义:用经纱捆绑拿取,用经纱缠绕并拿走,或形容如经纱般细长且可被抓取之物。英语含义:tying with warp to take, wrapping and taking away with warp, or describing something as thin and long as warp and able to be taken.

  160. 棤镎/棤錏:字面含义:经纱和镎 (不相关联,意义不明)。英语含义:warp and neptunium (unrelated, unclear meaning).

  161. 棤哪:字面含义:经纱是哪个,询问哪根是经纱,或者指经纱在哪个位置。英语含义:warp which, asking which is the warp, or referring to where the warp is located.

  162. 棤那:字面含义:经纱那个 (与 条目154 棤那 同字但含义侧重指示代词)。英语含义:warp that (same characters as item 154 棤那 but meaning emphasizes demonstrative pronoun).

  163. 棤纳/棤納:字面含义:经纱接纳 (不理解意义)。英语含义:warp accepting (unclear meaning).

  164. 棤钠/棤鈉:字面含义:经纱和钠 (不相关联,意义不明)。英语含义:warp and sodium (unrelated, unclear meaning).

  165. 棤衲:字面含义:经纱和僧衣 (不相关联,意义不明)。英语含义:warp and cassock (unrelated, unclear meaning).

  166. 棤呐/棤吶:字面含义:经纱象声词,或经纱与迟钝说话 (意义不清晰)。英语含义:warp onomatopoeia, or warp and hesitant speech (meaning unclear).

  167. 棤钠?:字面含义:经纱和钠? (古籍人名或地名,意义不清晰)。英语含义:warp and Sodium Bi (ancient name of person or place, unclear meaning).

  168. 棤娜:字面含义:经纱和娜娜 (形容姿态柔美), 可能比喻经纱如丝般柔美,或用经纱来勾勒女子柔美的线条。英语含义:warp and Na Na (describing graceful posture), possibly metaphorically comparing warp to silk in gracefulness, or using warp to outline graceful lines of a woman.

  169. 棤讷/棤訥:字面含义:经纱和说话迟钝,比喻说话如经纱般细长而缺乏力量,或者指说话内容像经纱般单调乏味。英语含义:warp and hesitant speech, metaphorically comparing speech to warp, thin and lacking power, or referring to speech content as monotonous and bland like warp.

  170. 棤吶吃:字面含义:经纱和口吃 (不合逻辑)。英语含义:warp and stuttering (illogical).

  171. 庴那:字面含义:(含义非常用)那个庴 (意义不详,可能指特定的古籍用语或地名)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) That Ji (unclear meaning, possibly referring to specific ancient book usage or place name).

  172. 庴吶/庴呐:字面含义:(含义非常用)庴呐喊 (意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) Ji shouting (unclear meaning).

  173. 庴鎿:字面含义:(含义非常用)庴鎿 (意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) Ji neptunium (unclear meaning).

  174. 庴捺:字面含义:(含义非常用)庴捺 (意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) Ji pressing (unclear meaning).

  175. 庴靹:字面含义:(含义非常用)庴靹鞨 (古族名,意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) Ji Na Ge (ancient tribe name, unclear meaning).

  176. 庴拿:字面含义:(含义非常用)庴拿 (意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) Ji taking (unclear meaning).

  177. 庴镎/庴錏:字面含义:(含义非常用)庴镎 (意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) Ji neptunium (unclear meaning).

  178. 庴哪:字面含义:(含义非常用)哪个庴 (意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) which Ji (unclear meaning).

  179. 庴那:字面含义:(含义非常用)那个庴 (与 条目171 庴那 同字但含义侧重指示代词)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) that Ji (same characters as item 171 庴那 but meaning emphasizes demonstrative pronoun).

  180. 庴纳/庴納:字面含义:(含义非常用)庴纳 (意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) Ji accepting (unclear meaning).

  181. 庴钠/庴鈉:字面含义:(含义非常用)庴钠 (意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) Ji sodium (unclear meaning).

  182. 庴衲:字面含义:(含义非常用)庴衲 (意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) Ji cassock (unclear meaning).

  183. 庴呐/庴吶:字面含义:(含义非常用)庴象声词或迟钝说话 (意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) Ji onomatopoeia or hesitant speech (unclear meaning).

  184. 庴钠?:字面含义:(含义非常用)庴钠? (古籍人名或地名,意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) Ji Sodium Bi (ancient name of person or place, unclear meaning).

  185. 庴娜:字面含义:(含义非常用)庴娜 (形容姿态柔美,意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) Ji Na Na (describing graceful posture, unclear meaning).

  186. 庴讷/庴訥:字面含义:(含义非常用)庴讷说话迟钝 (意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) Ji slow speech (unclear meaning).

  187. 庴吶吃:字面含义:(含义非常用)庴口吃 (意义不详)。英语含义:(meaning very rare) Ji stuttering (unclear meaning).



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错那湖(藏语:མཚོ་ནག,威利:mtsho nag)也作措那湖,位于中国西藏北部安多县境内,为怒江的源头湖,湖面海拔4650米,面积约400平方公里,是世界上海拔最高的淡水湖。“错那”在藏语中意为“黑湖”,是当地一座圣湖。青藏铁路经过错那湖东岸,最近处距湖岸只有几十米,是青藏铁路格尔木至拉萨段与铁路距离最近的湖泊。湖中水产丰富,湖泊沿岸水草丰富[错那湖(藏语:མཚོ་ནག,威利:mtsho nag)也作措那湖,位于中国西藏北部安多县境内,为怒江的源头湖,湖面海拔4650米,面积约400平方公里,是世界上海拔最高的淡水湖。“错那”在藏语中意为“黑湖”,是当地一座圣湖。青藏铁路经过错那湖东岸,最近处距湖岸只有几十米,是青藏铁路格尔木至拉萨段与铁路距离最近的湖泊。湖中水产丰富,湖泊沿岸水草丰富

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